If you are planning a trip to Curaçao, you should be aware of the time difference on the Caribbean island. The time zone in Curaçao is the Atlantic Standard Time, or AST. Compared to Coordinated Universal Time, Curaçao is at UTC-4, which means a four-hour offset.
Due to the different time zones in the US states, the time depends on which time zone you are in. To give you a quick overview, we have compiled the necessary information for you.
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Summer And Winter Time – A Comparison
What time it is in Curaçao depends not only on which time zone you are in, but also on whether you are there during winter or summer time. Since Curaçao has not switched to daylight saving time since 1945, the time difference can be zero to four hours, depending on whether you are vacationing there during American summer or winter time.

For a better understanding, we have listed a few examples below:
➤ In summer time, it is three hours earlier in Los Angeles (time zone: PST) than in Curaçao.
➤ In winter time, it is four hours earlier in Los Angeles (time zone: PST) than in Curaçao.
➤ In summertime, it is two hours earlier in Albuquerque (time zone: MST) than in Curaçao.
➤ In winter time, it is three hours earlier in Albuquerque (time zone: MST) than in Curaçao.
➤ In summer time, it is one hour earlier in Chicago (time zone: CST) than in Curaçao.
➤ In winter time, it is two hours earlier in Chicago (time zone: CST) than in Curaçao.
➤ In summer time, it is the same time in Boston (time zone: EST) than in Curaçao.
➤ In winter time, it is one hour earlier in Boston (time zone: EST) than in Curaçao.